Domestic Conference
J.-I. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "비디오 이상 탐지를 위한 유클리드 및 비유클리드 공간기반 비선형 특징의 재구성 오류 극대화," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, pp.654-656, 2024. 06.
J.-E. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "지식기반 시각적 질의응답을 위한 관련성 심볼 그래프 모델," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, pp.648-650, 2024. 06.
T.-H. Kang and S.-B. Cho, "범용적 뇌 질환 진단을 위한 4D fMRI에서 시공간적 기능적 연결성 추출 및 그래프 분류," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, pp.645-647, 2024. 06.
J.-M. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "비디오 이상 탐지를 위한 유클리드 및 비유클리드 공간기반 비선형 특징의 재구성 오류 극대화," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, pp.642-644, 2024. 06.
D.-H. Nam, G.-I. Ho, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "Dynamic prototype-guided memory replay for in-vehicle noise classification," Proc. Korea Database Conf., 2023. 06.
G.-I. Ho, D.-H. Nam, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "In-vehicle noise classification using prototypical transformer network based on few-shot learning," Proc. Korea Database Conf., 2023. 06.
H.-J. Moon and S.-B. Cho, "연속학습을 위한 트리플렛 로스기반 분산표현 학습방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2022. 12.
K.-W. Park and S.-B. Cho, "소셜 네트워크 분류를 위한 분할 그래프 융합," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2022. 12.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "잡음-반향 환경에서의 차량 소음 분류를 위한 뉴럴-빔포밍 GAN 기반 잡음제거," Proc. of Korea Data Mining Conference, 2022. 11.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "적응적 데이터베이스 침입 탐지 시스템을 위한 딥러닝과 Michigan-style Learning Classifier System의 결합," Proc. Korea Database Conf , 2022. 11
K.-W. Park, H.-J. Moon, and S.-B. Cho, "사출성형기 고장탐지를 위한 심층 적대학습 기반 이종-기계 적응 방법," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2022. 06.
H.-J. Moon, S.-B. Cho, "효율적인 뉴로-심볼릭 시각적 질의 응답을 위한 인과적 반사실 추론," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2022. 06.
S.-J. Bu, H.-J. Moon, and S.-B. Cho, "비즈니스 계약문서의 리스크 요소 키워드 추출을 위한 트랜스포머 앙상블," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2022. 06.
J.-I. Park and S.-B. Cho, "잠재벡터 정규화를 이용한 문맥기반 욕설탐지의 성별 편향성 제거," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2022. 06.
H.-B. Kang, and S.-B. Cho, "적대적 오토인코더를 이용한 나이 편향 제거 얼굴 감정인식 시스템," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2022. 06.
S.-J. Bu, H.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "악성코드의 제어 흐름 학습을 위한 트리플렛 손실함수 기반 그래프 트랜스포머," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2021. 12.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "CCTV 감시의 시각적 질의응답을 위한 뉴로-심볼릭 이상탐지," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2021. 12.
H.-J. Moon, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "그래프 국소 정보 추출을 통한 분할 알고리즘 기반 그래프 분류 방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2021. 12.
H.-B. Kang and S.-B. Cho, "CN-LCS 변형 분류기의 BKS 앙상블을 이용한 데이터베이스 내부침입 탐지," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2021. 12.
K.-W. Park, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "그래프 분류를 위한 진화적 최적화 기반 서브그래프 임베딩의 논리적 결합 방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2021. 12.
S.-J. Bu, K.-W. Park and S.-B. Cho, "노년층 우울감 예측을 위한 시멘틱 네트워크 기반 뉴로심볼릭 그래프 컨볼루션," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2021. 06.
K.-W. Park, S.-J. Bu, and S.-B Cho, "4D fMRI 자폐 진단을 위한 레지듀얼-자가집중 신경망 기반 상측두구의 동적 뇌 연결성 학습," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2021. 06.
G.-B. jang and S.-B. Cho, "회전 기계 고장 진단을 위한 비지도 적대적 일관성 유지 변환 학습을 적용한 교차 도메인 적응 방법," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2021. 06.
H.-Y. Kim, J.-B. Jang and S.-B. Cho, "제한된 데이터의 회전체 결함 진단을 위한 클래스 균형 샘플링기반 소수-샷 학습방법," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2021. 06.
K.-H. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "RBAC기반 데이터베이스의 내부공격 탐지를 위한 적응형 적대학습 모델," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2020. 12.
G.-M Go, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "메타 데이터를 활용한 자가-집중연산 컨볼루션 게이팅 기반 스마트폰 글라스 표면결함 탐지 모형," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2020. 12.
H.-B Kang, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "얼굴 감정 인식 모델의 나이별 편향성 감소를 위한 적대적 오토인코더 기반 잠재벡터내의 편향성 제거 방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2020. 12.
D.-W Park, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "욕설 분류에서의 편향성 감소를 위한 적대적 오토인코더기반 단어 임베딩내의 편향성 제거 모델," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2020. 12.
H.-J Moon, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "그래프 패턴 탐지를 위한 노드간 관계 추론기반의 서브그래프 분할을 사용한 그래프 패턴탐지 방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2020. 12.
K.-H. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "효과적인 음향잡음 제거를 위한 사전 훈련된 생성자 기반 적대적 생성망," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2020. 07.
G.-M Go, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "내부자 침입탐지를 위한 데이터베이스 트랜잭션 분리 표현 학습," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2020. 07.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "AI 알고리즘의 편향성 감소를 위한 적대적 오토인코더의 상호정보 분석," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2020. 07.
N.-M. Park, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "멜-스펙트로그램 기반 컴볼루션-순환 신경망을 이용한 차량 조향계 유격음의 분류," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
G.-M. Go, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "스마트폰 표면결함 탐지를 위한 준지도 오토인코더와 베이지안 컨볼루션 신경망," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
K.-H. Min, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "보호특징별 조작 가능한 잠재공간 기반의 알고리즘 편향성 감소 방법," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
K.-H. LIm, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "비정상 잡음 제거를 위한 이중 판별자 적대적 생성모델," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
W.-S. Shin, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "고품질 음성 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 GAN기반 잡음제거모형," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
T.-Y. Kong, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "음성 분리를 위한 주의집중기반 합성곱 오토인코더," Proc. of Korea Software Congress, 2019. 12.
E.-B. Lee, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "비디오 이상탐지를 위한 프레임 레벨 비지도 적대학습 모형의 성능 분석," Proc. of KIIS Fall Conference, 2019. 11.
K.-H. Min, J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "AI 알고리즘의 편향성 감소를 위한 적대적 오토인코더의 체계적인 성능평가," Proc. of KIIS Fall Conference, 2019. 11.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "주거전력 소모량 예측을 위한 베르누이 변분추론 기반 베이지안 컨볼루션 신경망," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
G.-B. Jang and S.-B. Cho, "C-LSTM 딥러닝기반 굴삭기 작업동작 분류모델," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
T.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "페트리넷을 이용한 시맨틱 네크워크기반 라이프로그로부터 패턴추출," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "비지도 적대학습을 이용한 프레임 레벨 비디오 이상탐지 방법," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
W.-S. Shin and S.-B. Cho, "딥러닝기반 이상데이터 증대를 통한 비디오이상탐지," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
W.-S. Shin and S.-B. Cho, "딥러닝기반 그래프 임배딩 및 비정형적 결정경계면 학습을 통한 그래프이상탐지," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
K.-H. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "확률모형과 딥러닝모형 기반의 전력 소모예측 시스템," Proc. of Korea Computer Congress, 2019. 06.
T.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Particle Swarm Optimization 기반 CNN-LSTM 신경망을 이용한 주거용 에너지 소비 예측," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2018. 12.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "성별의 알고리즘 편향성 감소를 위한 심층 오토인코더 기반 잠재공간 일치모델," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2018. 12.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "진화적 딥러닝을 이용한 비지도 방식 영상 이상탐지," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2018. 12.
T.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Semantic 구조를 기반으로 한 라이프로깅 그래프로부터 패턴추출," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2018. 11.
J.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "유전 알고리즘을 사용한 반도체 공정 예측 모델을 위한 속성 탐색," Proc. of Korea Computer Conference, 2018. 6.
T. Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "센서기반 라이프로깅을 위한 의미구조에서의 Apriori 알고리즘을 이용한 패턴추출," Proc. of Korea Computer Conference, 2018. 6.
J. Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "전력 수요 예측을 위한 건물 유형 기반 모듈형 베이지안 네트워크," Proc. of Korea Computer Conference, 2018. 6.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "전이 인코더-디코더 GAN을 이용한 음성 명령 인식," Proc. of Korea Computer Conference, 2018. 6.
T. Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "C-LSTM 신경망을 이용한 P2P 소셜대출 채무자 상환예측," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2017. 12.
S. J. Bu, J. Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "워드임베딩과 MCTS알고리즘을 사용한 확장성을 고려한 의미 기반 라이프로그 검색 시스템," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2017. 12.
D. C. Lee, S. J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "반도체라인의 효율적 이상 감지를 위한 공정 예측 모델," Proc. of Korea Software Conference, 2017. 12.
T. Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "C-LSTM 신경망을 이용한 웹 트래픽 이상탐지," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2017. 11.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "DenseNet을 이용한 P2P 소셜대출에서 상환예측," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2017. 11.
C.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "컨볼루션 신경망의 드랍아웃 적용을 통한소셜 대출의 채무상환 예측," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
J.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "컨볼루션 신경망의 소셜대출 상환예측을 위한 요인분석 군집화기반 2D 입력배열 방법," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
S.-I. Seo, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "가짜문장의 전이학습을 이용한 소규모 불균형 데이터의 욕설문장 분류방법," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
S.-G. Choi and S.-B. Cho, "CPS기반 스마트 매장의 매출향상을 위한 고객감성 예측 및 유도 시스템," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
D.-C. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "반도체 라인의 효율적 이상 감지를 위한 멀티에이전트 기반 시뮬레이터 도구의 개발," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
A.-L. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "소셜대출 채무예측을 위한 준지도학습 기반 데이터 생성 방법," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
J.-Y. Kim, S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "심층 전이-GAN을 이용한 악성 소프트웨어 탐지," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
K.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "저전력 웨어러블 센서를 사용한 Adaptive Boosting 기반 식사 행위 인식 시스템," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "STFT 소리맵을 이용한 컨볼루션 신경망 기반 화자식별 방법," Proc. of the 44th KCC Conference, 2017. 6.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "비윤리적 SNS댓글 분류를 위한 구문기반 CNN과 의미기반 LSTM의 앙상블 기법," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2017. 5.
W.-G. Huh and S.-B. Cho, "LSTM 신경망의 딥러닝을 이용한 EEG 신호로부터 공포감정 인식시스템," Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
J.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "유치원에서 대중 감정 예측 베이지안 네트워크의 구조 진화 학습 방법," Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
C.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "개선된 심층 CNN을 이용한 P2P 소셜 대출에서 채무자의 상환 예측," Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
A.-L. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "은행 텔레마케팅 예측을 위한 2가지 준지도 학습 방법의 결합" Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
S.-G. Choi and S.-B. Cho, "모듈형 확률모형 기반 대중 감성 예측 시스템의 성능 분석" Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "온라인 소셜대출 채무상환 예측용 심층 컨볼루션 신경망의 분석 방법론" Proc. of the 43th KCC Fall Conference, 2016. 12.
S.-J. Bu and S.-B. Cho, "심층 3D-컨볼루션 신경망을 이용한 fMRI 영상 분류," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2016. 11.
S.-M. Jo and S.-B. Cho, "소프트키보드의 적응형 GUI 생성을 위한 랜덤 포레스트기반 사용자 행동 패턴 예측," Proc. of the 42th KCC Fall Conference, 2015. 12.
C.-S. Lee, S.-M. Jo and S.-B. Cho, "Deep Convolutional Neural Network을 이용한 온라인 상의 소셜 대출에서 채무자의 상환 예측," Proc. of the 42th KCC Fall Conference, 2015. 12.
S.-M. Jo and S.-B. Cho, "휴대폰의 적응형 사용자 인터페이스를 위한 랜덤 포레스트기반 센서로그 데이터 마이닝 및 분석," Proc. of the 42th KCC Fall Conference, 2015. 11.
C.-S. Lee, S.-M. Jo and S.-B. Cho, "온라인 개인간의 대출에서 채무자의 신용평가를 위한 딥 러닝기반의 데이터 마이닝 기법," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2015. 11.
K.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "대중감성 유도를 위한 강화학습 기반 감각자극 조절시스템," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
J.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "유치원 수업의 대중 감성 예측을 위한 모듈형 트리구조 베이지안 네트워크," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
C. A. Ronao and S.-B. Cho, "Evaluation of deep convolutional neural network architectures for human activity recognition with smartphone sensors," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
S.-M. Jo and S.-B. Cho, "결정트리 기반 사용자의 손과 걷고 있는 상황 인지를 통한 IME의 GUI 자동 결정," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
A.-L. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "의도대응 모델기반 개인비서 로봇을 위한 대화 에이전트," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
J.-M. Yu and S.-B. Cho, "의도-대응 모델 기반 로봇 에이전트의 서비스 과정 분석," Proc. of the 42th KCC Conference, 2015. 6.
J.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "유치원 수업향상을 위한 모듈형 결정네트워크 기반 감성예측 및 자극조절 시스템," Proc. of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Spring Conference, 2015. 4.
J.-M. Yu and S.-B. Cho, "진화 게임이론 기반 노동시장의 병가 및 해고 현상 모델링," Proc. of the 41th KCC Fall Conference, 2014. 12.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "계층적 모듈형 베이지안 네트워크를 이용한스마트폰의 저전력 장치관리 시스템," Proc. of the 41th KCC Fall Conference, 2014. 12.
K.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "확률 모델링을 이용한 저전력 식사 상황 인식 시스템," Proc. of the 41th KCC Fall Conference, 2014. 12.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "모듈형 베이지안 네트워크와 선형추론 알고리즘을 이용한 저전력 상황인식 시스템," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 1370-1372, 2014. 6.
W.-H. Rho and S.-B. Cho, "상황기반 스마트폰 앱 추천 시스템을 위한 상황 고려 앱 스코어링 방법," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 1373-1375, 2014. 6.
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "스마트폰 사용자를 위한 공간 G-means 클러스터링 기반 의미있는 방문 POI 추출 기법," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 644-646, 2014. 6.
D.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "스마트폰에서의 통화상대 추천을 위한 분류방법의 성능평가," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 1367-1369, 2014. 6.
Y.-J. Chae and S.-B. Cho, "행동선택 네트워크를 이용한 마음이론과 거울뉴런기반의 의도대응 모델," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 671-673, 2014. 6.
C. Ronao and S.-B. Cho, "An optimal feature selection method based on random forests for activity recognition with smartphone sensors," Proc. of the 41th KCC Conference, pp. 448-450, 2014. 6.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "모바일 라이프로그의 저전력 데이터 마이닝을 위한 트리구조 베이지안 네트워크," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2014. 6.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "모듈형 동적 베이지안 네트워크와 효용성 이론을 이용한 지능형 다감각 자극 시스템," Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, 2014. 4.
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "사용자의 음악 성향을 고려하는 상황인지 기반 모바일 음악 추천 시스템," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 1047-1049, 2013. 11.
D.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "EEG 신호의 공간필터 분석을 통한 공유형 차량제어 시스템 ," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 1096-1098, 2013. 11.
Y.-J. Chae and S.-B. Cho, "대화기반의 계획형 행동선택 네트워크를 이용한 NAO 로봇의 심부름 서비스," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 692-694, 2013. 11.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "다감각 서비스의 감정 예측을 위한 모듈형 동적 베이지안 네트워크," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 675-677, 2013. 11.
J.-C. Quan and S.-B. Cho, "결정 트리와 베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 모바일 상황공유 시스템," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 347-349, 2013. 11.
J.-C. Quan and S.-B. Cho, "베이지안 네트워크와 AHP를 이용한 스마트 TV의 다수 시청자 프로그램 추천," Proc. of the 40th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 1041-1043, 2013. 11.
H. Xu and S.-B. Cho, "의미관계를 이용한 모바일 라이프로그 검색방법," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1411-1413, 2013. 6.
W.-H. Rho and S.-B. Cho, "베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 상황별 모바일 앱 카테고리 추천 시스템," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1408-1410, 2013. 6.
S.-S. Park, K.-M. Yang, Y.-O. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 효율적인 CPV 태양광 발전을 위한 추적 시스템," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1526-1528, 2013. 6.
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "상황 정보와 이동 경로 정보 데이터를 이용한 부분적 동적 시간 정합 기반 목적지 예측 방법," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1514-1516, 2013. 6.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "서비스 에이전트를 위한 모듈형 행동 네트워크의 목적 지향적 계획 모델," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1544-1546, 2013. 6.
J.-C. Quan and S.-B. Cho, "가정내 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅을 위한 스마트TV 중심 Unity3D 가상환경 시뮬레이터," Proc. of the 40th KCC Conference, pp. 1550-1552, 2013. 6.
S.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "스마트폰 센서 데이터의 확률적 마이닝을 통한 장소추출 및 인식," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2012. 11.
Y.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "장소 이동 패턴과 이동 경로 모델을 결합한 개인화된 목적지 예측," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 136-138, 2012.
S.-H. Yi and S.-B. Cho, "연속영상의 시공간 모델 기반교통사고 탐지시스템," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 271-273, 2012.
M.-C. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "뇌전도 기반 3D 자동차 시뮬레이터 제어를 위한 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 구현," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 280-282, 2012.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "스마트 TV의 상황인지를 위한 도메인 지식기반 확률 모델링," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 147-149, 2012.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "상황인지 스마트 TV 서비스를위한 온톨로지 기반 스마트 TV 환경 모델링," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 195-197, 2012.
H. Xu, S.-J. Yoon, S.-H. Yi and S.-B. Cho, "모바일 라이프로그의 지식구조화를 위한 방안연구," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 274-276, 2012.
S.-J. Yoon and S.-B. Cho, "유한상태 기반의 행동선택 네트워크를 이용한 로봇의 대화형 시스템," Proc. of the 39th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 39, no. 2(B), pp. 277-279, 2012.
S.-H. Yi and S.-B. Cho, "동적 베이지안 네트워크 기반 실외 감시카메라의 객체검출 보정 시스템," Proc. of the 39th KCC Conference, vol. 39, no. 1(B), pp. 402-404, 2012.
K.-M. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "계층적 행동선택 네트워크를 이용한 일정추천 에이전트," Proc. of the 39th KCC Conference, vol. 39, no. 1(B), pp. 390-392, 2012.
Y.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "다중 카메라 기반 교통사고 자동탐지를 위한 퍼지 규칙기반 시스템," Proc. of the 39th KCC Conference, vol. 39, no. 1(B), pp. 360-362, 2012.
K.-O. Yoon and S.-B. Cho, "정수형 변환을 이용한 DNA 서열 검색 알고리즘," Proc. of the 39th KCC Conference, vol. 39, no. 1(B), pp. 357-359, 2012.
M.-C. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "BLSTM 구조의 계층적 순환 신경망을 이용한 모바일 제스처인식," Proc. of the 39th KCC Conference, vol. 39, no. 1(B), pp. 321-323, 2012.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "모바일 사용자 행동데이터 마이닝을 위한 K-Means 클러스터링기반 확률모델," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2011. 12.
S.-H. Yi and S.-B. Cho, "교통사고 탐지를 위한 다중카메라 비디오스트림 마이닝," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Fall Conference, 2011. 12.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "데이터마이닝 기술을 이용한 StartCraft 전략 자동 평가 및 예측," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Spring Conference, 2011. 04.
Y.-S. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Dynamic game contents generation using player type and Petri net," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 303-306, 2011.
Y.-S. Lee, H.-W. Ko, and S.-B. Cho, "An efficient energy management framework for Android phone using decision tree and rules," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 219-222, 2011.
S.-H. Yi, and S.-B. Cho, "A multiple-view cooperation based automatic accidents detection system using dynamic Bayesian network," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 238-240, 2011.
S.-H. Yi, and S.-B. Cho, "An effective energy management system for smartphone GPS sensors using Bayesian networks," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 252-255, 2011.
M.-C. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Mobile activity recognition using bidirectional recurrent neural network with long short-term memory," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 263-266, 2011.
J.-Y. Jang, and S.-B. Cho, "A remote robot control interface based on Recognition of EMG Signals," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 214-216, 2011.
B.-G. Lee, S.-H. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Recognition of mobile user's activity based on RSOM and HMM using context-log," Proc. Of the 38th KCC Fall Conference, pp. 260-262, 2011.
J.-W. Yoon, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "First-person shooting game interface using clustering-based multiple non-gesture rejection models," KHCI 2011, 2011.
J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Local-model estimation and its probabilistic selection for effective application of wearable-sensors based computer interface," KHCI 2011, 2011.
H. Chung, and S.-B. Cho, "Personalized recommendation service based on collaborative filtering for library information systems," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(A), pp. 251-254, 2011.
Y.-S. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Similarity calculation for mobile life log data mining," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(A), pp. 298-301, 2011.
H. Choi, and S.-B. Cho, "A collaborative filtering recommendation system using ConceptNet-based mood classification by genre," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(B), pp. 216-219, 2011.
K.-H. Oh, and S.-B. Cho, "Automatically generating semantic networks for retrieving mobile life-log," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(C), pp. 266-268, 2011.
J.-W. Yoon, and S.-B. Cho, "Hierarchical user intention-response model using behavior network," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(C), pp. 315-318, 2011.
S.-H. Yi, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Multiple-view cooperation based context recognition system for automatic detection of traffic accidents," Proc. of the 38th KCC Conference, vol. 38, no. 1(C), pp. 273-275, 2011.
S.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Construction of probability model for recognition of mobile user's activity based on affinity analysis," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2010. 11.
H.-S. Park, K. Oh, and S.-B. Cho, "User relationship inference and contextual information sharing using mobile life-log mining," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2010. 11.
J.-H. Jung, S.-H. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "User interface based on context personalization for recommending mobile applications," Proc. Of the 37th KCC Fall Conference, vol. 38, no. 2(C), pp. 304-308, 2010. 11.
J.-W. Yoon, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Clustering-based multiple non-gesture rejection model for on-line gesture recognition," Proc. of The 37th KISSE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 131-132, 2010. 11.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-W. Yoon, S.-S. Lim, and S.-B. Cho, "Implementing a dialogue based emotional virtual assistant for effective personal management services," Proc. of The 37th KISSE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 288-292, 2010. 11.
Y.-S. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Activity recognition on mobile environment using Bayesian network and hidden Markov model," Proc. of The 37th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(C), pp. 228-233, 2010. 11.
S.-K. Kim, Y.-S. Lee, D.-W. Son, S.-B. Cho, "Activity recognition using hierarchical HMM with motion sensors," Proc. of The 37th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 137-138, 2010. 11. 05 ~ 06.
S.-H. Lee , K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Observation on leadership in evolving robot colony," Proc. of KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 64-65, 2010. 11.
J.-W. Hwang, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Gesture recognition using nonlinear analysis method of 3D acceleration and dynamic Bayesian network," Proc. of The 37th KISSE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 68-69, 2010. 11.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Context-aware service of home robot using domain knowledge-based Bayesian network modeling," Proc. of 37th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(C), pp. 309-312, 2010. 11.
K. Oh, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Generating a variety of robot controllers by using speciation based on behavior," Proc. of The 37th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 37, no. 2(A), pp. 112-113, 2010. 11. 05 ~ 06.
S.-S Lim, S.-H. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Learning Bayesian network parameters using dialogue based user feedbacks," Proc. of the 37th KCC Spring Conference, vol. 37, No. 1(C), pp. 419-422, 2010. 06.
J.-W. Yoon, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Self-organizing map based mixture-of-experts model for efficient hand gesture recognition," Proc. Of KCC, vol.37, no.1(c), pp. 254-255, 2010. 07.
S. Ahn and S.-B. Cho, "Stock prediction using news text mining and time series analysis," Proc. Of KCC, vol.37, no.1(c), pp. 364-369, 2010. 07.
Y.-M. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Realtime user profile adjusting DVB context aware content recommendation system," Proc. Of KCC, vol.37, no.1(c), pp. 102-103, 2010. 07.
S.-H. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Modeling international trade based on evolutionary multi-agent with game theoretic approach," Proc. Of the 37th KCC Spring Conference, vol. 37, No. 1(C), pp. 305-310, 2010. 07
T.-M. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "Context extraction and analysis of video life log using Bayesian network," Proc. Of KCC, vol.37, no.1(c), pp. 414-418, 2010. 07.
K. Oh, H.-S. Park, and S.-B. Cho, "A context sharing system using mobile social networks," Proc. of KCC, vol. 37, no. 1(B), pp. 222-226, 2010. 06. 30. ~ 2010. 07. 02.
J.-W. Hwang, Y.-S. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "A traffic incident detection and analysis system at intersection using hierarchical network based on probability,” Proc. of KCC, vol. 37, no. 1(A), pp. 5-6, 2010. 07.
J.-W. Yoon, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Gesture recognition for wearable user interface of immersive virtual reality based on Mixture-of-Experts," KHCI2010, pp. 196-198, 2010.1
K. Oh, H.-T. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "A context sharing system in mobile environment by using activity inference based on Bayesian network," KHCI2010, pp.115-117, 2010. 01. 27~29.
S.-S. Lim, K.-H. Oh, and S.-B. Cho, “System initiative dialogue of mixed initiative conversational agent using global workspace theory and spreading activation theory,” KHCI2010, 2010. 1.
T.-M. Jung, Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Image retouching method using interactive genetic algorithm in mobile blog environment," KHCI2010, pp. 438-440, 2010. 01.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Lifelog mining for mobile social network construction," Proc. of Korea Business Intelligence Data Mining Conference, 2009. 11.
K. Oh, Y. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "An associative search system for semantic networks based on keyword search and semantic abstraction," Proc. of The 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(A), pp. 88-89, 2009. 11. 27-28.
B.-W. Choe, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, “Dynamic time warping with localized template for mobile gesture recognition”, Proc. of the 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(A), pp. 94-95, 2009.
J.-W. Hwang, Y.-S. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "A traffic incident inference system using outdoor environment recognizer based on probability," Proc. of the 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(A), pp. 102-103, 2009. 11.
H.-S. Park, T.-M. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "Designing and collecting of mobile context for social network construction," Proc. of KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(C), pp. 195-198, 2009. 11.
J.-W. Yoon, H.-S. Park, S.-B. Cho, K.-R. Kim and K.-C. Park, "An efficient delivery service of intelligent home robot using Bayesian network based location inference of home environment factors," Proc. of The 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(C), pp. 297-301, 2009. 11.
S.-H. Lee, H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, “A context-aware schedule management agent using d-separation Bayesian network modeling,” Proc. of The 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(C), pp. 302-306, 2009.11.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, “Bayesian network based home modeling for intelligent smart home service,” Proc. of The 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(C), pp. 312-315, 2009. 11.
T.-M. Jung, Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Life log visualization and management agent for considering constraints in mobile environment," Proc. of The 36th KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 36, no. 2(C), pp. 258-263, 2009. 11.
Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A context-aware recommender system for ringtones in a mobile phone using an emotion model," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(B), pp. 162-165, 2009. 07.
J.-K. Min, S.-H. Jang, and S.-B. Cho, "Probabilistic inference of user's context for mobile social network services," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(A), pp. 139-140, 2009. 07.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic blog generation using mobile context and Petri net" Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(A), pp. 94-95, 2009. 07.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Constructing probability model to infer activities using Activity Theory and mobile life log" Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(C), pp. 397-401, 2009. 07.
J.-W. Hwang, Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "A lifelog tagging interface using high level context recognizer based on probability," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(A), pp. 96-97, 2009. 07.
S.-H. Lee, J.-H Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Inference of baby's situation based on Bayesian network for service provision by childcare robot," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36 , no. 1, pp. 424-427, 2009.06.
K. Oh, Y. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "A mobile life-log search interface by associative traverse of semantic network," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(B), pp. 193-197, 2009. 07.
B. Choe, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Accumulative dynamic time warping for 3-axis accelerometer based gesture recognition," Proc. of The 36th KCC, vol. 36, no. 1(c), pp.562-565, 2009. 07.
H.-T. Kim, S.-B. Cho, "Restaurant recommendation service by using group preference aggregation method in mobile environment," Proc. Of. KCC, 2009. 07.
J.-W. Yoon and S.-B. Cho, "Behavior Network architecture with Bayesian network goal inference for mobile intelligent synthetic character," Proc. Of KCC, pp. 132-133, 2009. 07.
T.-M. Jung, Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Abstraction of life pattern using self-organizing maps," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1(C), pp. 428-433, 2009. 07.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "HMM based ensemble method for recognizing user activities using motion sensors," Proc. Of KCC, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 288-289, 2009. 07.
J. K. Min, H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Summarization of soccer video based on multiple cameras using dynamic Bayesian network," KHCI 2009, pp. 567-571, 2009. 02.
H.-T. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "User adaptive restaurant recommendation service in mobile environment based on Bayesian network learning," KHCI 2009, pp.6-10, 2009. 02.
B.-W. Choe, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Gesture interface with 3D accelerometer for mobile users," Proc. Of KHCI, vol.18, no. 1, pp. 378-383, 2009. 02.
J. -W. Yoon, J. -H. Hong and S. -B. Cho, "MyWorkspace: VR Platform with an immersive user interface," KHCI 2009, pp. 52-55, 2008. 02.
J.-W. Yoon, S.-B. Cho, "Usability test and behavior generation of intelligent synthetic character using Bayesian networks and behavior networks," Proc. of the KIISE Fall Conference, 2008. (Accepted, oral)
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Mining meaningful contexts using keygraph alogrithm in mobile environment," Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2008 Fall Conference, pp. 257-268, 2008. 11.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Prediction of user activity based on mobile life-log using dynamic Bayesian network," Proc. the 30th KIPS Fall Conference, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 60-63, 2008. 11. 14~15.
S. Lim, B.-W. Choe, S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Script design method for functional improvement in conversational schedule management agent," Proc. of the 30th KIPS Fall Conference, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 215-218, 2008. 11. 14~15.
S.-S. Lim, B.-W. Choe and S.-B. Cho, "A multi-agent system based on conversational interface considering user accessibility and domain extensibility," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 182-187, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.
T.-M. Jung, Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Development of an effective interface for visualizing life log," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2(A), pp. 71-72, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.
Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "An improved cultural algorithm with local search for traveling salesman problem," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2(C), pp. 267-271, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.
H.-T. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A probability and hierarchical method based on client-server system for restaurant recommendation service in mobile environment," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean nstitute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, 2008. 10.
Y.-S. Lee, S.-B. Cho, "Effective data preprocessing for activity inference in mobile environments," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2(A), pp. 105-106, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.(oral)
K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho, "Life pattern analysis, summarization and visualization based on Bayesian probabilistic model," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2(C), pp. 326-330, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.(poster)
S.-W. Oh, H.-Y. Noh, J.-H. Lee, K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho, "A Bayesian inference model for mobile life context aware application," Proc. of The 35th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 35, no. 2(C), pp. 320-325, Seoul, Korea, 2008. 10. 24~25.(poster)
J.-H. Hong, S.-I. Yang, and S.-B. Cho, "Context-aware messanger for sharing user contextual information," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1(A), pp. 86-87, 2008.
S.-I. Yang,J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Activity recognition based on multi-modal sensors using dynamic Bayesian networks," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1(A), pp. 114-115, 2008.
S.-H. Jang and S.-B. Cho, "Evolutionary Neural Networks based on Layered Influence Map for Strategy Simulation Game," Proc. of the KIISE Fall Conference, 2008. (oral)
B.-W. Choe, S.-B. Cho, "Unsupervised learning and inference method for semi-autonomatic SMS reply," Proc. of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Vol.35, No.1(C), pp.416-419,2008.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, A task-based user interface for manipulating multiply connected appliances," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1(B), pp. 171-175, 2008. 6
J.-K. Min and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian network based automatic summarization of photos using user's context on mobile device and image annotation," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 425-428, 2008.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "A summarization of multi-camera office event using user log analysis," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, no. 1(B), pp. 186-190, 2008.
H.-T. Kim, J.-K. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "A Bayesian inferring and context-tree matching method for intelligent services in mobile environment," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 35, no. 1, 2008.
S.-H. Jang and S.-B. Cho, "An AI simulator for generating intelligent group agent," Proc. of KCC, vol. 35, pp. 110-111, 2008.
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Life log mining using modular Bayesian networks," The 5th Business Intelligence World Conference, pp. 1-12, 2008. 04.
S.-J. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Conversation based human-robot interaction with hierarchical Behavior Analysis of Toy Robot," The 3rd Korean Intelligent Robot Annual Conference, vol. 3, pp. 298-299, 2008.
S.-I. Yang, S.-B. Cho, "A real-time context integration system for multimodal sensor Networks using XML," Proc. of KHCI, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 141-146, 2008. 02.
K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho, "Activity recognition based on accelerometer using self organizing maps and hidden Markov model," Proc. of KHCI, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 245-250, 2008. 02.
H.-S. Park, S.-B. Cho, "Context adaptive user interface generation in ubiquitous home using Bayesian network and behavior selection network," Proc. of KHCI, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 573-578, 2008. 02.
S.-J. Lim, S.-B. Cho, "Natural language based video retrieval system with event analysis of multi-camera image sequence in office environment," Proc. of KHCI, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 384-389, 2008. 02.
K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho, "Automatic learning of Bayesian probabilistic model for mobile life landmark reasoning," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conferenc e, vol. 34, no. 2(C), pp. 362-366, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
K.-S. Hwang, J.-W. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, S.-B. Cho, "Development of mobile life browser based on semantic and Bayesian network," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conferenc e, vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 84-85, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
J.-K. Min, S.-B. Cho, "Multiple classifier fusion method based on k-nearest templates," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 217-218, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
S.-J. Lim, H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian networks based user preference modeling for office event retrieval," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conferenc e, vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 70-71, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Fuzzy rule-based summarization of event sequences in an indoor multi-camera environment," Proc. of the KIISE, vol. 34, no. 2(C), pp. 288-292, 2007.
H.-S. Park, M. H. Park, and S.-B. Cho, "LBS information recommendation in mobile environment using multi-criteria decision making," Proc. of the KIISE, vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 66-67, 2007.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "A method of ontology inference based on Bayesian probability for decision making of intelligent home agents," Proc. of 34st KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(C), pp. 357-360, 2007.
S.-I. Yang, S.-B. Cho, "Activity recognition based on physiological signals with fuzzy Bayesian networks," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 72-73, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Rank-based multiclass gene selection for cancer classification based on gene expression profiles," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference , vol. 34, no. 2(A), pp. 38-39, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
H.-T. Kown, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Incremental gene selection-based cancer classification using microarray data," Proc. of The 34th KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(B), pp. 7-10, Pusan, Korea, 2007. 10. 26.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Development of plot design tool for life log story generation using petri net," Proc. of 34st KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(C), pp. 272-275, 2007.
Y.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Sentence segmentation of KeyGraph using genetic algorithm," Proc. of 34st KIISE Fall Conference, vol. 34, no. 2(C), pp. 352-356, 2007.
Y.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Life log Story generation in mobile using user context and Petri net," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(A), pp. 97-98, 2007.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "User emotion inference from SMS based on computing with words," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(A), pp. 69-70, 2007.
S.-J. Lim, J.-K. Min, H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian network based event recognition in multi-camera enrironment," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(C), pp. 248-251, 2007.
M.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "A BN-based recommendation system reflecting user's preference in mobile devices," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(C), pp. 277-280, 2007.
J.-K. Min and S.-B. Cho, "An algorithm for GPS outage restoration using short-range information sharing of mobile devices," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(C), pp. 366-369, 2007.
I.-J. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Context aqdaptive interface for ubiquitous home environment using behavior selection network," Proc. of The Korea Computer Congress (KCC), vol. 34, no. 1(A), pp. 67-68, 2007.
J.-H. Hong and S.-B Cho, "Mixed-initiative conversational agent imitating brain functions," Proc. of Korean Brain Society Conference, p. 75, 2006.
U.-K. Cho, J.-H. Hong and S.-B Cho, "Automatic fingerprint image generation using genetic algorithm," Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol 33, no. 2(B), pp. 470-474, 2006.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Domain independent script language for constructing mixed-initiative conversational agent," Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 269-273, 2006.
Y.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Summarizing user's daily life with conceptNet and KeyGraph," Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 244-249, 2006.
S.-S. Lim, J.-H. Hong, I.-J. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Intelligent schedule management agent with mixed initiative conversation and context-awareness," Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 83-87, 2006.
K.-J. Kim, Y.-S. Lee, K.-S. Hwang, J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, "Development of mobile life browser based on concept network," Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 71-76, 2006.
S.-B. Im, H.-S. Park, J.-K. Min, K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Video summarization system based on multi-camera, Proc. of The 33st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 33, no. 2(B), pp. 44-48, 2006.
S.-B. Im and S.-B. Cho, "Context based place and object recognition using dynamic Bayesian network," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 286-288, 2006.
U.-K. Cho, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Image enhancement based on the genetic algorithm for reducing impulsive noises," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 283-285, 2006.
J.-K. Min and S.-B. Cho, "An adaptive feature extraction method for effective classification of various fingerprints," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 262-264, 2006.
M.-C. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "Analysis and summary of user's behavior patterns in mobile devices," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 148-150, 2006.
M.-H. Park, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "User's intention inference by two stage movement pattern modeling," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 136-138, 2006.
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian inference model for landmark detection on mobile device," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 127-129, 2006.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Optimization of Bayesian networks aggregation using genetic algorithm," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 121-123, 2006.
Y.-S. Lee, M.-C. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "Collection and construction of user's context in smart phone," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 115-117, 2006.
Y.-S. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian network modeling based on ontology for improving object detection performance of service robots," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 112-114, 2006.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "User adaptive schedule management agent using Bayesian networks," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 103-105, 2006.
I.-J. Song, M.-C. Jung, S.-B. Cho and S.-Y. Kim, "Diverse cartoon generation using semantic similarity and story stream," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 52-54, 2006.
B.-G. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "A hierarchical storytelling model using mobile context log," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(B), pp. 49-51, 2006.
B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A diagnosis engine using Bayesian network for self-management of adaptive middleware," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 220-222, 2006.
S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Behavior prediction of adaptive middleware based on Bayesian networks using probing algorithm," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 211-213, 2006.
J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Multi-class cancer classification by integrating OVR SVMs based on subsumption architecture," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 37-39, 2006.
H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "An attribute ordering optimization in Bayesian networks for prognostic modeling of the metabolic syndrome," Proc. of KCC, vol. 33, no. 1(A), pp. 1-3, 2006.
I.-J. Song, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "I/O mapping for ubiquitous home devices with semantic networks," HCI2006, vol. 1, pp. 735-740, 2006.
U.-K. Cho, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Usability test and analysis of fingerprint recognition systems with environmental and human factors," HCI2006, vol. 1, pp. 437-442, 2006.
I.-J. Song, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian network ensemble methodology for recognizing uncertain environment," Proceedings of KFIS Autumn Conference, vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 305-308, 2005.
Y.-S. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Object relationship modeling based on Bayesian network integration for improving object detection performance of service robots," Proceedings of KFIS Autumn Conference, vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 195-198, 2005.
M.-C. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "Users information management based on KeyGraph for Smartphone," Proceedings of KFIS Autumn Conference, vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 199-202, 2005.
M.-H. Park, H.-S. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Robot agent control for the adaptation to dynamic environment: Learning behavior network based on LCS with keeping population by conditions," Proceedings of KFIS Autumn Conference, vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 335-338, 2005.
J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, "Effective fingerprint classification with dynamic integration of OVA SVMs," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 883-885, November 2005.
U.-K. Cho, J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, "Fingerprint image enhancement based on genetic algorithms for singularity extraction," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 847-849, November 2005.
K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho, "An interactive learning method using combination of Bayesian network and logic network," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 658-660, November 2005.
S.-S. Lim, and S.-B. Cho, "Online learning for Bayesian network parameters from incomplete data," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 652-654, November 2005.
S.-S. Lim, and S.-B. Cho, "User adaptive process scheduling using fuzzy inference," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 787-789, November 2005.
B.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Inference of system resource states using Bayesian network for self-optimizing and self-healing component-based middleware," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 829-831, Nov. 2005.
B.-G. Lee, and S.-B. Cho, "Learning predictive model of memory landmarks based on Bayesian network using mobile context log," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 550-552, Nov. 2005.
K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Speciated evolutionary checkers player using game knowledge," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 754-756, Nov. 2005.
J.-H. Back, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Dynamic wrapper composition for integrative extraction of distributed web information," Proc. of The 32st KISS Fall Conference, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 676-678, Nov. 2005.
S.-S. Lee, K.-J. Kim, S.-B. Cho, and H.-Y. Youn, "Adaptive behavior prediction based on bayesian networks for adaptive middleware," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 748-750, 2005.
H.-S. Park, S.-B. Cho, and H. K. Lee, "Prognostic modeling of metabolic syndrome using Bayesian networks," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 292-294, 2005.
S.-S. Lim, S.-B. Cho, "Dynamic sentence generation for a conversational agent using sentence plan tree and genetic programming," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 538-540, 2005.
K.-M. Kim, S.-B. Cho, "An intelligent conversational agent based on MII using semantic Bayesian network," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 547-549, 2005.
Y.-S. Song, S.-B. Cho, "Hierarchical Bayesian networks based on activity for localizing hidden target objects in indoor environment," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 616-618, 2005.
J.-H. Hong, J.-K. Min, S.-B. Cho, "SOM-based combination method of OVA SVMs for effective fingerprint classification," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 622-624, 2005.
K.-J. Kim, S.-B. Cho, "Refinement of Bayesian networks using minimum description length and evolutionary algorithm," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 628-630, 2005.
J.-O. Yoo, S.-B. Cho, "Fuzzy Bayesian network for fusion of multimodal context information," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 631-633, 2005.
K.-S. Hwang, H.-S. Park, S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian probability and evidence combination for improving scene recognition performance," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 634-636, 2005.
S.-B. Im, S.-B. Cho, "Place and object recognition in uncertain indoor environments using SIFT and Bayesian networks," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 637-639, 2005.
J.-K. Min, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Fingerprint classification using SVM combination models based on multiple decision templates," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 751-753, 2005.
U.-K. Cho, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Fast fingerprint classification using the probabilistic integration of structural features," Proc. of KCC, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 757-759, 2005.
K.-M. Kim, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, Complex cognitive information processing for adaptive cyber agents using Semantic Bayesian Network, Proc. of Korea Cognitive Science Society , pp. 145-150, May 2005.
유지오,김경중,조성배, "유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅을 위한 지능적인 사용자 위치 이동 학습 및 예측," 한국지능정보시스템학회 2004 (Ubiquitous Intelligence), pp. 139-148, 2004.
S.-S. Lim, and S.-B. Cho, "A music recommendation system based on fuzzy inference with user emotion and environments," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 541-543, 2004.
H.-S. Park, and S.-B. Cho, "BKS fusion of classifier ensemble for prediction of diabetes," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 250-252, 2004.
J.-S. Lee, S.-J. Han, C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Network intrusion detection system using hidden markov model," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 250-252, 2004.
Y.-S. Song, J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, "Hierarchical Bayesian networks for mixed-initiative interaction between human and service robot," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 250-252, 2004.
J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Speciated evolution of Bayesian networks ensembles for robust inference," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 226-228, 2004.
J.-O. Yoo, K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian inference with fuzzy variables for customized high level context extraction," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 115-117, 2004.
K.-S. Hwang, and S.-B. Cho, "Constrained learning method of Bayesian network structure for efficient context classification," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 112-114, 2004.
H.-J. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "Hybrid of reinforcement learning and Bayesian inference for effective target tracking of reactive agents," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 94-96, 2004.
J.-H. Hong, and S.-B. Cho, "Ensemble of classification rules with arithmetic operators for the accurate classification of Lymphoma cancer," Proc. of KISS, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 202-204, 2004.
J.-M. Koo, J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Creating adaptive behaviors for shooting game characters behavior-based artificial intelligence," Proceedings of KFIS Spring Conference, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 89-92, 2004.
J.-K. Min, E.-K. Yun and S.-B. Cho, "SVM-NN two-stage classifier for large scale fingerprint classification," Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, pp. 23-26, 2004.
C.-H. Park, E.-K. Yun and S.-B. Cho, "Adaptive enhancement of fingerprint images through image characteristics analysis," Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, pp. 27-30, 2004.
S.-R. Yang, and S.-B. Cho, "Grid-based matching algorithm for improving performance of fingerprint recognition system," Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, pp. 31-34, 2004.
K.-M. Kim, J.-H. Hong, S.-B. Cho, "Semi-structure information extraction for the construction of adaptive web knowledge base of conversational agents," Proc. of Korea Cognitive Science, pp. 197-201, 2004.
S.-H. Yoo and S.-B. Cho, "A Bayesian validation method based on decision tree for evaluating fuzzy clusters of gene clusters of gene expression data," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 262-264, 2004.
S.-R. Yang, S.-M. Kim, and S.-B. cho, "A grid-based matching algorithm for high performance fingerprint recognition," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 727-729, 2004.
H.-J. Min, and S.-B. Cho, "An IGA interface based on NK-landscape for direct manipulation," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 484-486, 2004.
D.-H. Rhee, S.-J. Han, and S.-B. Cho, "An intelligent synthetic character based on user behavior inference/prediction for smartphone," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 475-477, 2004.
H.-S. Park, S.-H. Yoo and S.-B. Cho, "Analysis of gene expression data using Gath-Geva algorithm," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 253-255, 2004.
S.-J. Han, and S.-B. Cho, "Anomaly detection and learning of program behaviors with evolutionary neural network," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 262-264, 2004.
K.-J. Kim, and S.-B. Cho, "Classifying colon cancer by integrating diverse speciated evolutionary neural networks," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 583-585, 2004.
S.-R. Yang, J.-K. Min and S.-B. Cho, "Empirical analysis of labor market using evolutionary agents with strategic coalition," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 574-576, 2004.
K.-M. Kim, S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Generating dynamic answer sentences for conversational agent using genetic programming," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 478-480, 2004.
J.-M. Koo and S.-B. Cho, "Generation of various intrusion patterns using interactive genetic algorithm," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 256-258, 2004.
J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Incremental knowledge acquisition for conversational agent using dialogue act templates," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 544-546, 2004.
S.-J. Han, H.-J. Kang, and S.-B. Cho, "Learning user's moving patterns for location-based services with intelligent agent," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 562-564, 2004.
C.-H. Park, and S.-B. Cho, "Multiple optimal classifiers based on speciated evolution for classifying DNA microarray data," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 724-726, 2004.
J.-K. Min, E.-K. Yun and S.-B. Cho, "Two-level classification for large-scale fingerprint identification system," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 730-732, 2004.
H.-J. Kang, S.-J. Han and S.-B. Cho, "Ubiquitous agent for personalized location-based services on campus," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 487-489, 2004.
M.-C. Jung, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web service composition based on behavior network for automatic construction of complex service," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 580-582, 2004.
S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic construction of script-adaptive Bayesian networks for topic-inference of conversational agent," Proceedings of The 31st KISS Spring Conference, pp. 577-579, 2004.
H.-H. Won, S.-H. Yoo, S.-B. Cho, and M.-Y. Sin, "Bayesian validation method for fuzzy clustering to analyze gene expression data," KSBI, 2003.
C.-H. Park, S.-B. Cho et al., "Similarity analysis between total RNA and amplified RNA using entropy measure," KSBI, 2003.
C.-H. Park, H.-H. Won, S.-H. Yoo, and S.-B. Cho, "Cancer metastasis simulation with agent-based modeling," KSBI, 2003.
S.-H. Yoo, H.-H. Won and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian validation method based on fuzzy c-means algorithm for analysis of optimal gene clustering," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
J.-M. Koo and S.-B. Cho, "Intrusion type identification for HMM-based anomaly detection system using edit distance," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Analysis of DNA Microarray data using evolutionary neural networks," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Effective cancer classification using genetic programming based on arithmetic operators," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
H.-J. Min and S.-B. Cho, "Bayesian inference of behavior network for perceiving moving objects and generating behaviors of agent," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
H.-H. Won, S.-H. Yoo, and S.-B. Cho, "Fuzzy clustering algorithm to predict cancer class using gene expression data," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
H.-J. Jung, S.-J. Han and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic generation of intrusion detection rules using genetic algorithms," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
E.-K. Yoon, and S.-B. Cho, "Adaptive image enhancement with fingerprint image quality characteristics," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
K.-M. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Knowledge representation of conversational agent using script design based on user interface," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, 2003.
K.-M. Kim, S.-S. Lim and S.-B. Cho, "Conversational agent as web virtual representative using artificial intelligence techniques," Korean Language Processing Conference, pp. 201-207, 2003.
J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Evolution engine for virtual environment generation based on artificial life," Proceedings of Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Society, pp. 35-38, 2003.
H.-J. Min and S.-B. Cho, "Creating 3D emergent artificial character morphology using evolution engine based on artificial life," Proceedings of Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Society, pp. 41-44, 2003.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Fuzzy integration of multiple structure adaptive self-organizing maps: Applications to web mining," Proceedings of Korea Data Mining Conference, pp. 243-254, 2003.
C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Classification of lymphoma dataset with combinatorially correlated feature set," Proc. of Korea Information Processing Society, 2003.
S.-H. Yoo and S.-B. Cho, "Cancer classification with gene expression profiles using forward selection method," Proc. of Korea Information Processing Society, 2003.
J.-M. Koo and S.-B. Cho, "Intrusion type descrimination for HMM-based IDS using viterbi algorithm," Proc. of Korea Information Processing Society, 2003.
C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Optimal classifier ensemble for lymphoma cancer using genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, Cheju, 2003.
S.-J. Han and S.-B. Cho, "Detecting network port scanning using Markov chain model," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, Cheju, 2003.
E.-K. Yun and S.-B. Cho, "Learning action selection network using learning classifier system", Proc. Korea Information Science Society, Cheju, 2003.
H.-H. Won and S.-B. Cho, "Neural network pair with negatively correlated genes for cancer classificaiton," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, Cheju, 2003.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Web documents classification with fuzzy integration of multiple structure-adaptive self-organizing maps," Proc. Korea Information Science Society , Cheju, 2003.
H.-J. Min, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Planning capability of action selection network for generating optimal behaviors of agent," Proc. Korea Information Science Society , Cheju, 2003.
J.-H. Hong, E.-K. Yun, and S.-B. Cho, "A study on evaluation methodology for biometric systems," Proc. The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Nov 2002.
Y.-J. Noh and S.-B. Cho, "Perfromance evaluation of IDS based on anomaly detection using machine learning techniques," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society, Nov 2002.
H.-H. Won and S.-B. Cho, "Performance evaluation of machine learning classifiers for cancer classification," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society, Nov 2002.
J.-H. Hong, E.-K. Yun, C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Methodology for evaluating environmental robustness of Biometrics systems," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society, Nov 2002.
C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Classification of gene expression profiles using common features selected," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society, Nov 2002.
S.-R. Yang and S.-B. Cho, "Systematic evaluation of strategic coalition in the IPD game with multi-agents," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society, Nov 2002.
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Evolvable hardware using ant colony system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
J.-H. Hong and S.-B. Cho, "Context management of conversational agent using hierarchical bayesian network," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Goal inference of behavior-based agent using bayesian network," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
S.-H. Yoo, K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Classification of web data using SASOM+DT for web usage mining," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
S.-I. Han, K.-S. Hwang, and S.-B. Cho, "A systematic evaluation of speciation algorithms for evolvable hardware," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
J.-O. Yoo, K.-S. Hwang, S.-I. Han and S.-B. Cho, "An image filtering system using speciated genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
E.-K. Yun and S.-B. Cho, "A conversational agent based on learning classifier system for generating various types of sentences," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
J.-S. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Emotional musical expression retrieval using interactive genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
S.-J. Han and S.-B. Cho, "Intrusion detection using multiple measure modeling and integration," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
Y.-J. Noh and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic generation of patterns for intrusion detection system evaluation," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (b), vol. 29, no. 2, Oct 2002. (In Korean)
C.-H. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Cancer data classification by combining negative correlated features and classifiers," Proc. Korea Brain Society, 2002.
H.-J. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Intrusion detection system based on multiple measure bonds," Proc. Korea Information Processing, 2002.
S.-R. Yang, H.-G. Noh and S.-B. Cho, "The evolution of cooperation using strategic coalition in iterated prisoners dilemma game," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 310-312, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002. (In Korean)
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Incremental supervised learning based on SVM with unlabeled documents," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 301-303, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002. (In Korean)
H.-H. Won and S.-B. Cho, "Systematic performance evaluation of efficient genetic algorithm based on clustering," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 298-300, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002. (In Korean)
J.-S. Lee, K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Niching methods for evolving evolvable hardware," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 232-234, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002.(In Korean)
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Applying speciated GA to huge-scale feature selection in bioinformatics," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 229-331, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Generation of diverse evolutionary checkers players using speciation algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 226-228, Korea Information Sicence Seciety, APRIL 2002. (In Korean)
H.-J. Park, Y.-S. Jung, Y.-J. Noh, and S.-B. Cho, "A systematic evaluation of intrusion detection system based on modeling privilege change events of users," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 661-663, 2001.
Y.-S. Jung, and S.-B. Cho, "AREIDS: An adaptive real-time evaluation tool for intrusion detection system," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 643-645, 2001.
Y.-J. Noh, and S.-B. Cho, "A usability test of E-mail automatic response and browsing system using self-organizing map," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 220-222, 2001.
J.-W. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Gender recognition by combining various features and classifiers," Fall Workshop on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 201-202, Korea Information Science Society, NOV 2001. (In Korean)
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A study on combining multiple recognizer for efficient classification of unbalanced document patterns," Fall Workshop on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 63-64, NOV 2001. (In Korean)
J.-W. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Human gender recognition using neural network ensembles," Proceedings of Korea Information Processing Society, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 555-558, Korea Information Processing Seciety, OCT 2001. (In Korean)
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "An effective evolvable hardware through modular circuit evolution," Proceedings of The 28th KISS Fall Conference(B), vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 13-15, Korea Information Science Society, OCT 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-C. Kim, S.-B. Cho, and S.-R. Oh, "Improving fuzzy-GA based reactive system by automatic map building," Proceedings of the 16th KIPS Fall Conference, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 563-566, 2001.
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "An analysis on the evolution of solutions using quantification of evolution," Proceedings of the 16th KIPS Fall Conference, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 571-574, OCT 2001. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A comparison of behavior network and rule-based integration method for higher-level behavior implementation," Proceedings of Korea Information Processing Society, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 551-554, Korea Information Processing Seciety, OCT 2001. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Evolving diverse neural network modules by speciation," Proc. Korean Brain Science Society, June 2001. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Behavior generation mechanism using multiple CAM-Brain modules," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society, June 2001. (In Korean)
J. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic categorization of real world FAQs using hierarchical document clustering," Proc. Korea Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Seoul, May 2001. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "An analysis of the evolution of a fuzzy logic controller using evolutionary activity," Proc. Korea Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Seoul, May 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-C. Kim, S.-B. Cho and S.-R. Oh, "Reliable navigation of a mobile robot in cluttered environment by combining evidential theory and fuzzy controller," Proc. Korea Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Seoul, May 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-S. Jung, H.-J. Park and S.-B. Cho, "Improving intrusion detection system based on hidden Markov model with fuzzy inference," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
H.-J. Park, Y.-S. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "An intrusion detection system using privilege change event modeling based on hidden Markov model," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-J. Kwon, J. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Classification of cancer-related gene experession data using neural network classifiers," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
J. Ryu and S.-B Cho, "Gender classification of human behaviors using structure adaptive self-organizing map," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Direct manipulation of interactive evolutionary computation for fashion design system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "An improved conversational help agent using approximate pattern matching," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "A conversational agent based on structured pattern matching," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-C. Kim, S.-B. Cho and S.-R. Oh, "Automatic map building for fuzzy autonomous mobile robot using Dempster-Shafer theory," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B) Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Chong and S.-B. Cho, "A structure analysis agent for extraction, storage and visualization of web sites," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Personalization of link-based search engine by fuzzy concept network," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
C. Sung, S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "User modeling based on Bayesian network for effective conversational agent," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
J.-H. Hong, J. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Comparison of document feature extraction methods for automatic classification of real world FAQ mails," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
K.-S. Hwang and S.-B. Cho, "Diverse hardware evolution using speciation," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Suwon, April 2001. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "A generic interactive GA interface for emotional media retrieval and production on web," Proc. 6th Fall Conf. Korea Multimedia Society, pp. 459-462, November 2000. (In Korean)
J. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "A neural network approach to recognition of human behaviors," Proc. Korea Multimedia Society, vol.3, no.2, pp.455-458, November 2000.
K.-H. Lee, Y.-C. Choy, S.-B. Cho and K. Koh, "An automated creation of document model for logical structure analysis of document images," Proc. 6th Fall Conf. Korea Multimedia Society, pp. 103-106, November 2000. (In Korean)
K.-H. Lee, Y.-C. Choy and S.-B. Cho, "Logical structure analysis for structured document generation: A syntactic approach," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 175-177, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Chong and S.-B. Cho, "Web site evaluation using structure analysis agents," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 143-145, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
J. Ryu and S.-B. Cho, "Gender recognition of human behavior with neural network classifier," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 140-142, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Conversational help agent using sequential pattern matching technique," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 24-26, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo, K.-J. Kim, Y.-G. Jung and S.-B. Cho, "A software agent to analyze the structure of web site," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 21-23, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
H.-S. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "An efficient genetic algorithm with partial evaluation by clustering," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 6-8, Seoul, October 2000. (In Korean)
J.-H. Ahn and S.-B. Cho, "Speciated neural networks evolved by fitness sharing," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, vol. B, pp.12-14, October 2000.
K.-J. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Action selection mechanism for combining of CAM-brain modules," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, vol. B, pp.137-139, October 2000.
H.-D. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A two-level self-organizing map for automatic response of Hanmail net questions," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, vol 27, no. 1, pp. 481-483, 2000. 4. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "CAM-brain: Neural networks evolved on cellular automata," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, 2000.
Y.-G. Chong and S.-B. Cho, "Mapping wavelet feature space to kansei space in image using neural networks," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, pp. 532-534, 2000. (In Korean)
J. Choy and S.-B. Cho, "Combining multiple HMMs to improve intrusion detection system with sequential events," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, pp. 238-240, 2000. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "An automatic classification system for Hanmail net questions using multiple neural networks," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, pp. 232-234, 2000. (In Korean)
H.-S. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A knowledge-based encoding for performance improvement of interactive genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, pp. 211-213, 2000. (In Korean)
S.-Y. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "User modeling in meta-search engine with genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, pp. 217-219,2000. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Improving generalization ability of IPD game strategy by evolution of coalition," Proc. Korea Information Science Society, 2000. (In Korean)
H.-D. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Optimal weight initialization of structure-adaptive self-organizing map with genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 7, No. 1, APRIL 2000. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Empirical evaluation on optimal audit data reduction for intrusion detection," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 7, No. 1, APRIL 2000. (In Korean)
J.-H. Ahn, H.-D. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A hierarchical browsing system for conceptual search of Hanmail FAQ," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 7, No. 1, 2000. (In Korean)
H.-D. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A structure-adaptive self-organizing map with combination of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 333-335, Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Effective reduction of BSM audit data for intrusion detection system by normal behavior modeling," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
J. Choy and S.-B. Cho, "An intrusion detection system with temporal event modeling based on hidden Markov model," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 306-308, Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
H.-S. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Evaluation of an emotion-based IGA fashion design system using domain knowledge," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
H.-G. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Improved collaborative information filtering with user clustering," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Automatic generation of seed individuals for efficient incremental evolutionary learning," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 6-8, Seoul, October 1999. (In Korean)
J. Choy and S.-B. Cho, "Analysis of modeling power of intrusion detection system using hidden Markov model," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 123-128, October 1999. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Reducing BSM audit data in intrusion detection system using self-organizing neural network," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 227-232, October 1999. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, H.-G. Kim and J.-H. Lee, "Artificial life agents for modeling user preference," Proc. Conf. Application of Statistics in Information Science, Seoul, June 1999. (In Korean)
H.-S. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Development of a fashion design aid system based on emotion," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, May 1999. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "A study on strategic coalition of multi-agent using iterated prisoner's dilemma game," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, May 1999. (In Korean)
J.-Y. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Subjective test of emotion-based image retrieval system based on WWW," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, May 1999. (In Korean)
G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "A rule-based approach to combining evolved neural network modules for mobile robot control," Proc. Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 484-486, Mokpo, April 1999. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Generalization capability of strategies evolved through localized interaction in N-person iterated prisoner's dilemma game," Proc. of Korea Information Science Society (B), pp. 230-232, Mokpo, April 1999. (In Korean)
H.-G. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A document storage and retrieval system based on SGML structure," Proc. Korea Database Conf., pp. 156-160, Seoul, February 1999. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Evolutionary study on emergence of cooperative coalition in NIPD game," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf. (B), Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 48-50, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
J.-Y. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Human-genegic algorithm interaction for emotional image retrieval," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf. (B), Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 225-227, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Development of modular neural networks by evolving Lindenmayer-system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf. (B), Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 330-332, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "A study on incremental evolution of neural network based on cellular automata," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf. (B), Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 348-350, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Document translation system for EDI-SGML," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 917-920, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "An SGML document editor using structural information," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 921-924, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
H.-G. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "A document storage and retrieval system based on SGML structure," Proc. Korea Information Processing Society Conf., Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 925-928, Suwon, October 1998. (In Korean)
G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "A preliminary study on developing artificial brain (CAM-Brain) using artificial life techniques," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, June 1998. (In Korean)
Y.-G. Seo and S.-B. Cho, "Relationship of cooperation and number of players in evolutionary strategy learning in NIPD game," Prof. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Suwon, June 1998. (In Korean)
G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Evolving a mobile robot controller using CAM-Brain," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 270-272, Taejeon, April 1998. (In Korean)
K.-H. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "A fuzzy neural network with trapezoidal fuzzy weights," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vvol. 25, no. 1, pp. 584-586, Taejeon, April 1998. (In Korean)
D.-H. Han and S.-B. Cho, "A study on knowledge-based system for thinning offline handwritten Hangul," Proc. Workshop on Image Processing and Understanding, Cheju, January 1998. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "A-life approach to machine learning for intelligent agent," Proc. Soft Science Workshop, Seoul, November 1997. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Evolution of modular neural networks by L-system," Prof. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Suwon, November 1997. (In Korean)
J.-Y. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Encoding method for interactive genetic algorithm by wavelet transform," Prof. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems. Suwon, November 1997. (In Korean)
H.-G. Kim and S.-B. Cho, "Prototype of information retrieval agents using artificial life technologies," Prof. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Suwon, November 1997. (In Korean)
D.-H. Han and S.-B. Cho, "Thinning Hangul character image with domain knowledge," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf. Vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 35-38, Seoul, October 1997. (In Korean)
H.-D. Kim, C.-K. Yu, M.-G. Choi and S.-B. Cho, "Development of agent prototype with comparison-shopping capability," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 24, no. 2, Seoul, October 1997. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Implicit knowledge representation of an evolutionary behavior-based mobile robot," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, June 1997. (In Korean)
D.-H. Han and S.-B. Cho, "A knowledge-based thinning for intuitive extraction of touched strokes," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, June 1997. (In Korean)
J.-Y. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Content-based image retrieval based on human intuition," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., Seoul, June 1997. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee, G.-B. Song and S.-B. Cho, "Mobile robot control with evolved neural network based on cellular automata (CAM-Brain)," Proc. Joint Conf. on AI, NN and Fuzzy Logic, pp. 297-302, Seoul, June 1997. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "An analysis of emergent behaviors of an evolutionary fuzzy controller," Proc. Joint Conf. on AI, NN and Fuzzy Logic, pp. 303-308, Seoul, June 1997. (In Korean)
S.-J. Yoo, S.-B. Cho and Y.-C. Choy, "Efficient control of traffic congestion in intersection with genetic algorithm," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 319-322, Chuncheon, April 1997. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and S.-I. Lee, "Emergent behavior of modular architecture developed by evolutionary mechanism," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 337-340, Chuncheon, April 1997. (In Korean)
J.-H. Lee, S.-B. Cho and Y.-C. Choy, "Design and implementation of content-based image retrieval system using interactive genetic algorithms," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 341-344, Chuncheon, April 1997. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Artificial life and intelligent system," Proc. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Seoul, November 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Introduction to artificial life," Proc. Workshop on KOSTI, Taejeon, November 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Offline printed character recognition," Proc. Workshop on KOSTI, Taejeon, November 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Artificial life: Methodologies and applications," Proc. Joint Conf. on AI, NN and Fuzzy Logic, Seoul, October 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and S.-I. Lee, "A genetic approach to designing modular neural networks," Proc. Joint Conf. on AI, NN and Fuzzy Logic, Seoul, October 1996.
K.-H. Lee, S.-B. Cho and Y.-C. Choy, "A Knowledge-based automated vectorizing system for geographic information system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 23, no. 2, October 1996. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B Cho, "Analysis of fuzzy rules generated by genetic algorithm," Proc. Annual Conf. on Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, pp. 82-86, Seoul, June 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J. Newman, "A study on neurocognitive model for consciousness and attention," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., pp. 119-127, Seoul, May 1996. (In English)
S.-B. Cho and D.-H. Han, "Knowledge representation of structure-adaptive neural network for pattern recognition," Proc. Korean Cognitive Science Society Conf., pp. 160-168, Seoul, May 1996. (In Korean)
K.-H. Lee, S.-B. Cho and Y.-C. Choy, "An evaluation of thinning algorithms for geographic information system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 3-6, Daeku, Apr. 1996. (In Korean)
J.-H. Baek, S.-B. Cho, K. Lee and Y. Lee, "Multiple recognizer system using two stage combination," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 281-284, Daeku, Apr. 1996. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Self-organization in structure-adaptive neural network," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1021-1024, Daeku, Apr. 1996.(In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "Fuzzy control of a mobile robot with genetic optimization,", Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1025-1028, Daeku, Apr. 1996. (In Korean)
S.-I. Lee and S.-B. Cho, "An evolutionary fuzzy system for behavior -based robot control," Proc. Conf. on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp. 251-254, Suwon, Mar. 1996. (In Korean)
K. Oh, S.-B. Cho and Y. Lee, "A systematic evaluation of binarization algorithms for document images," Proc. Workshop on Image Processing and Understanding, pp. 115-120, Pusan, Jan. 1996. (In Korean)
K. Lee, S.-B. Cho and Y. Lee, "Structure-adaptive self-organizing neural network: application to Hangul character recognition," Proc. Conf. Processing of Hangul and Korean Information, pp. 137-142, Seoul, Oct. 1995. (In Korean)
Y. Min, S.-B. Cho and Y. Lee, "An efficient data reduction method for document skew estimation using hough transformation," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., pp. 467-470, Seoul, Oct. 1995. (In Korean)
K. Lee, S.-B. Cho and Y. Lee, "A structure-adaptive self-organizing neural network for pattern classification," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 715-718, Seoul, Oct. 1995. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, "Modeling brain computation by evolutionary modular neural networks," Proc. Brain Computing Workshop, pp. 82-85, Seoul, Sep. 1995. (In Korean)
H.-Y. Kim, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "Refined hidden Markov models to satisfy probabilistic constraints," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Seoul, Oct. 1993. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A consensus approach of multiple neural networks for reliable pattern recognition," Proc. World Congress on Korean Scientist, Seoul, Aug. 1993. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A fusion method of multiple neural networks with fuzzy integral," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., IiLee, Apr. 1993. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "Increasing discrimination capability of hidden Markov model using neural network classifier," Proc. Anual Meeting of Korean Neural Network Study Group, Daejeon, July 1992. (In Korean)
J.-O. Kwon, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A GUI approach to structure representation for form analysis and understanding," Proc. Spring Korean Conf. Artificial Intelligence, Daejeon, Apr. 1992. (In Korean)
C.-G. Yoon, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "PenDraw: pen-based table/diagram input system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Pohang, Apr. 1992. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "On-line recognition of boxed handwritten English characters using radius limited perceptron," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Pohang, Apr. 1992. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A geometrical design of neural network and its application to point location problem," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Taeku, Apr. 1991. (In Korean)
J.-O. Kwon, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A neural network approach to multi-font/ mult-size Hangul document recognition," Proc. Workshop on Image Processing and Understanding, Taejeon, Feb. 1991. (In Korean)
J.-O. Kwon, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "Multi-font/multi-size Hangul character recognition with hierarchical neural networks," Proc. 2nd Conf. Processing of Hangul and Korean Information, pp. 183-190, Nov. 1990. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, H. Yoon and J.-H. Kim, "Some remarks on speedup methods of backpropagation learning," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Seoul, Oct. 1990. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "On the improvement strategies for applying neural network to real world problems," Proc. Anual Meeting of Korean Neural Network Study Group, pp. 22, Seoul, May 1990.
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A study on improvements of neural network approach to Hangul character recognition," Proc. Workshop on Image Processing and Understanding, Taejeon, Jan. 1990. (In Korean)
S. Lee, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "Comparison of conventional and neural network methods in character recognition," Proc. Workshop on Neural Network Applications, Seoul, Nov. 1989. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "A hierarchical neural network for printed hangul character recognition," Proc. Korean Society for Cognitive Science, Seoul, Nov. 1989.(In Korean)
S. Lee, I.-Y. Kim, S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "SILNOON: a Hangul document recognition system," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Seoul, Oct. 1989. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho and J.-H. Kim, "Computational complexity of artificial neural networks," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., Seoul, Oct. 1989. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, S.-W. Lee and J.H. Kim, "A fast point pattern matching method using convex hull," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 225-228, Seoul, Oct. 1988. (In Korean)
S.-B. Cho, D.-I. Sin and Y.-C. Choi, "A multi-user relational DBMS with full set of SQL functionality in PC-LAN environment," Proc. Korea Information Science Society Conf.,vol. 14, no 2, pp. 655-658, Suwon, Oct. 1987. (In Korean)